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Wearable Tech

Wearable Tech Products

Sometimes the most innovative products catch your eye and help your health! That’s how we feel about our wearable technology products. We’ve identified a few products that really excited us! (This category is very likely to expand in the coming year, so keep an eye on this page.)

ARK Crystals

ARK crystals bring a revolutionary technology that boosts the natural attunement with the zero-point field of the quantum vacuum. The quantum vacuum represents the revelatory understanding in modern physics that space is not empty; on the contrary, it is the one thing that connects all things.

Watch this short time-lapse video for a visual documentary of the power in the alignment of energy.

Each test tube on the left has an ARK Crystal (without pendant) below it.

ARK Crystal Rosette

Five ARK crystals with matching serial numbers is the ultimate expression of science, technology, and…

ARK Crystal Lovers Pair

An Entangled Pair of ARK crystals is the ultimate lover’s gift. With matching serial numbers and pendants..

ARK Crystal without Pendant

The Advanced Resonance Kinetics (ARK) crystal is the ultimate expression of science, technology, and…

ARK Crystal with Pendant

The Advanced Resonance Kinetics (ARK) crystal is the ultimate expression of science, technology, and beauty. It…

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