Phyto 5000

Phyto 5000

Phyto 5000

Anti-oxidant power is measured in ORAC units or Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity – the gold standard of measuring anti-oxidant power. It is generally recommended that you consume at least 3000 to 5000 ORAC units per day – which is roughly equivalent to 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables. Most really good anti-oxidant food supplements boast a 5000 unit ORAC value for a large, single serving (at least 2 tablespoons or more).

Phyto 5000 contains a whopping 42,000 units of anti-oxidant power per capsule.

Extensive research suggests that excessive free radicals are potential precursors to the development of chronic inflammatory conditions, heart disease, and cancer. Phyto5000 is designed to promote the healthy reduction of free-radicals in your system. Did you know you would have to drink 1 1/2 quarts of tart cherry juice to equal the anti-oxidant power in just one capsule of Phyto5000? Our Phyto5000 has potent extracts of Resveratrol, Berries, Tea, French Maritime Pine Bark, Bioflavonoids, Ginkgo Biloba and much more…

30 Capsules per bottle.

Our Price:


Gematria’s CEO and formulator, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, wanted to create a formula that contained 5000 ORAC units in one small capsule. Thinking that this would be a monumental achievement and that we would be amazingly lucky to get that much ORAC value in one capsule, we named the formula Phyto 5000 (and crossed our fingers).

After intensive research, formulation, and beta-testing, Dr. Todd sent the completed formula to the most elite lab in the U.S. to test the anti-oxidant (ORAC) power. The results were astounding! Not only did we reach our goal of 5000 units per capsule, we exceeded it by 740% – giving us a whopping 42,000 units of anti-oxidant power per capsule. By rights we could call it Phyto42000!

You would have to drink 1 1/2 quarts of tart cherry juice to equal the anti-oxidant power in just one capsule of Phyto5000. Our Phyto 5000 formula contains potent extracts of Resveratrol, Berries, Tea, French Maritime Pine Bark, Bioflavonoids, Ginkgo Biloba and much more…

What benefits do you get from taking Phyto 5000?

Some of the many benefits of taking Phyto 5000 regularly include:

  • Promotes cardiovascular health, and healthy blood sugar levels.
  • The natural antioxidant power in Phyto5000 promotes healthy protection against free radical damage that may lead to cancer and other chronic conditions.
  • Excellent addition to support any diet program.
  • Promotes healthy skin and vision.
  • Supports healthy brain function and mental clarity.
  • Promotes urinary tract health.

Who Needs this Supplement?

Everyone will benefit from taking Phyto 5000, but some groups in particular, including:

  • Everyone who isn’t getting the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Athletes who have increased levels of free-radicals due to aerobic exercise.
  • Dieters who may not be ingesting significant levels of beneficial anti-oxidants.
  • Anyone interested in healthy, natural anti-aging support.
  • Students on the go.

Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin C (from Acerola Berry), Vitamin E VitaBerry Plus (Grapeseed, Blueberry, Bilberry, Cranberry, Tart Cherry, Prune, Raspberry, Strawberry, Resveratrol, Quercitin, Silicon Dioxide), Maritime Pinebark Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Green Tea Extract, VitaBerry Tropical (Coffee, Acerola, Camu Camu, Quercitin, Acai, Mangosteen, Maltodextrin from corn), Bilberry, White Tea, Pomegranate, Lutein, Grapeseed Extract, VitaBlue (Wild Blueberry Extract), and Citrus Bioflavonoids, Rutin, Lotus Leaf.


Those with known food sensitivities to any of the ingredients listed in this formula should not take this product unless advised by their health care physician.

Take 1 capsule by mouth, daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Gematria Products are made in the USA with care. It's quality you can trust.

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Already Notice the Benefits

I have ordered the Phyto5000 and the daily vitamin spray. I already notice the benefit from the Phyto5000; mental clarity, less body aches and a gentle comforting of my body.

N. Taylor

Profound Alertness

While studying for the State Real Estate Exam, I found it difficult to retain what I had read. Deep focusing to understand the material made me sleepy. Two weeks prior to my exam, I stepped up my studying, taking every opportunity to study. The exam… Read more “Profound Alertness”

Brenda Clark

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